NAACP Vancouver Legal Redress Committee
​Committed to a Livable Community Through Justice, Equality, Fairness & Equity
What is the Legal Redress Committee?
The Vancouver NAACP branch Legal Redress Committee works to support and assist community members with various types of legal grievances and requests for resources. The Legal Redress Committee can offer advocacy, partnership in mediation, access to information, and referrals to legal resources and social justice professionals.
Have you encountered racial discrimination or bias where you live, work, play, or attend school in Clark County, Washington? The Legal Redress Committee (LRC) of Vancouver NAACP Branch 1139 may be able to help.
The committee does not offer legal advice or legal representation but can potentially:
Investigate your complaint.
Seek to help resolve the issue.
Help refer you to an organization that may provide legal representation or other support.
Complaint Procedure::
For potential Legal Redress Committee help, please complete the quick complaint form and submit it in either of the following ways:
Scan and email it to
Postal-mail it to ATTN: Legal Redress Committee, Vancouver NAACP Branch 1139, P.O. Box 1903, Vancouver, WA 98668-1903.
Fill out the live complaint form below.
After receipt and review of your complaint, the LRC will follow up with you.If you are the victim of a crime, please also call 911 or contact the local police department or sheriff’s office of the jurisdiction in which the incident occurred. If you need immediate legal assistance, please contact a local attorney.

Additional Resources
Clark County Volunteer Lawyers Program
On issues ranging from housing, immigration and debt to family law, court fines, criminal records and more, this organization offers civil legal aid to eligible residents with low income.
Northwest Justice Project
This statewide legal aid program, which has Vancouver, Washington, staff, provides representation and other assistance to those with low income concerning “cases affecting basic human needs such as family safety and security, housing preservation, protection of income, access to health care, education,” and more.
Southwest Washington Lawyer Referral Service
Sponsored by the Clark County Bar Association, this organization offers referrals to attorneys who have agreed to provide an initial half-hour consultation capped no higher than $125.
This Seattle-based not-for-profit organization comprises a team of lawyers and other professionals focused on criminal justice reform, economic justice, housing and homelessness, immigrant justice, systems reform, and worker justice.
Clark County Law Library Self-Help Database
This free database offers Clark County, Washington, residents access to 200+ self-help legal titles spanning topics including court procedure, business, estate-planning, family law, immigration, and more. Will be available through at least Jan. 31, 2022.
Council for the Homeless Clark County Resource Guide
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – Seattle Field Office
Federal office in charge of helping enforce national anti-discrimination laws in relation to the workplace – including the job-application process and employment.
Washington State Human Rights Commission
The commission serves “to prevent and eliminate discrimination through the fair application of the law, the efficient use of resources, and the establishment of productive partnerships in the community.”
ACLU of Washington
The state affiliate of the national American Civil Liberties Union, which works “in the courts, the legislatures, and in our communities to protect and extend basic rights for everyone.”