ACT-SO Has Arrived in Clark County!
What is ACT-SO?
The NAACP’s Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) program is designed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students.
ACT-SO allows students to compete in STEM, humanities, business, performing, visual and culinary arts for scholarship awards. Almost 300,000 young people have participated in the program since its inception over forty years ago. Famous alumni include John Singleton, Jada Pinkette- Smith and Roy Hargrove. Read an article highlighting two of our ACT-SO Champions in 2022 here.

What is ACT-SO?
The NAACP Vancouver Branch ACT-SO Scholarship Fund is for local ACT-SO Program participants so they may continue their post-secondary education. Please join our efforts by donating to the Scholarship Fund!​
Students meet twice a month with their mentors. Other ACT-SO programming includes guest speakers, workshops on professional skills, fieldtrips to local opportunities in the ACT-SO focus fields, such as those mentioned above. Other local ACT-SO programming includes college research and college prep, admissions, and financial aid application guidance. Learn more about ACT-SO and the Scholarship Fund here!
ACT-SO Goals:
To mobilize the adult community for the promotion of academic and artistic excellence.
To recognize creative talent and academic achievement.
To provide and assist students with the necessary skills to establish goals and acquire the confidence and
training to make a successful contribution to society.
ACT-SO is a community-based program that provides multiple opportunities for involvement. Community members may participate as Chairpersons, mentors, sponsors, organizers, competitors, benefactors, educational partners, etc.