January 11, 2023
Vancouver, WA – In November of 2022, the NAACP Branch 1139-b (Vancouver Branch) elected new officers to serve until December 2024. On January 3, 2023, the NAACP Branch 1139-b swore in the newly board & began planning for a busy year, and gave a heartfelt thank you to the outgoing officers who accomplished so much in the past two years; multiple grant victories, a resoundingly successful ACT-SO program, an equally resoundingly WIN (Women in the NAACP) program, and other successes that will move our community closer to one that values the health and well-being of all people.
“As your elected President, I am excited for this journey as I know that we will accomplish great things as we continue the mission of the NAACP. It is with great gratitude, that I humbly accept this position while understanding that we all are ordained by God to carry out a mission. I want to wish everyone on my Executive Leadership team, our communities and families, a special and Blessed New Year. I also look forward to your continued support, grace and gratitude as we continue to march forward in eradicating racism and inequitable environments. Best Regards, Yolanda Frazier, NAACP President, Vancouver, Washington, Branch 1139-B.”
The newly elected officers are as follows:
President: Yolanda Frazier
Vice-President: Nickeia Hunter
2nd Vice-President: Maima Fahnbulleh
2nd Vice-President: Stephanie Harvey
Secretary: Ruby Lewis
Assistant Secretary: Adrienne Strehlow
Assistant Treasurer: Carol Collier
At-Large Executive Committee Member: Thuymai Mai Fee
To get involved with the exciting work happening at the NAACP Branch 1139-b, visit our website at www.naacpvancouverwa.org.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) exists to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.
Since its inception, the Vancouver Branch has continued its efforts to improve equality and justice in our community. Wherever there is a need, we are there to advocate for equal treatment and justice for all people. Our successes are in-part due to collaboration with and the support of like-minded individuals and organizations in our community who share our dream and goal; a world where the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the accepted rather than exceptional.